Thursday, 15 November 2012

Thriller Audience Research- Questionnaire

In order to get a more accurate and precise responses about the film genre I wanted to ask a more direct audience about their thoughts and opinions of film. I have included questions that appeal to both the mass and niche audience as this will able me to adapt the results into audience research. 
The questionnaire was completed by 10 participants and I aimed to distribute them evenly. 

The following is the reasoning behind why i have chosen to ask these questions and why they are important.

1) How old are you? I asked this question because it will highlight to me which age group will enjoy watching thriller films, and see whether there is a trend in the responses due to the different age categories. It will also underline that the questionnaire was distributed equally.

2) Are you female/male? I asked this question as it will able to see if there is a difference between the responses from a male viewpoint or female. This will allow me to interpret whether males and females look for a different factors in thriller films.

3) How often do you watch thriller films? This was an important questions as it will narrow down the niche audience from the mass market. For example, a person who watches a thriller daily/weekly are a niche thriller audience compared to those who watch it monthly/yearly. This question will also connote the popularity of thriller films among the participants therefore being either a successful genre to produce or not so successful.

4) What is your favourite sub-genre? I asked this question to see what the most popular sub-genre was that they enjoyed as this would highlight to be the most successful. It will also allow me to see whether crime thrillers was an appropriate choice for my film so that the audience will enjoy it.

5) What is your favourite thriller film? I asked this question as it will give me an insight into what films the participants have enjoyed most. This will allow me to research further into these films and implement the elements into my own film opening.

6) What would you classify as your top 3 genre's? This will highlight to me the most popular genre's that the participants enjoy. It will also show me how successful thriller films are depending on the popularity of the choices that are stated.

7) What attracts you most when watching a thriller film? These are things that the participants can circle so I can clearly be able to see what they enjoy. This will able me to implement these factors into my film opening as the audience prefer these factors.

8) Have you heard of the institution 'Summit Entertainment'? This question will tell me whether the company are well known to the target audience or not and whether they are familiar with the company.

9)What codes and conventions would you expect to see in a thriller film? This question is vital as it will inform me of what the target audience would expect to see for a 'thriller' film and it it vital that I include all of these suggestions in my film opening so the audience will be able to pick these out instantly.

These questionnaire results will be very  helpful for me as it will clearly outline to me what the audience will expect to see in the film opening. This will able me to implement these factors into my film opening effectively.

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