Wednesday 14 November 2012

Our Final Studio Logo

This is our chosen logo design that we will use for our institution studios. 
The inspiration for our studio name came from the initials of mine and my partners name, Ted, giving us the initials 'TK'. Through the previous designs that we have created we felt that this logo suited out institution well and decided that this will be our final logo. 

The studios name is placed on the film strip which highlights that this is a 'film' studio. The black background connotes to the audience the darker and mysterious themes that out studios makes including thriller and horror. This is significant because often black can be associated with evil and violence. The actual name of the logo is in the colour white which allows it to stand out from its dark background and be noticeable for the audience to see. The color white contrasts with the background which symbolises the binary opposition of good and bad.  We aimed to use a detective type font to help emphasis the genre of crime thriller (which is our film's genre). The film strip that is used to place the font on it also a classical type films trip that was used in the previous decades- this highlights the original codes and conventions that our crime thriller will have compared to modern day thriller films.  

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