Wednesday 10 October 2012

New Line Cinema Logo Analysis

Below is 'New Line Cinemas' production company logo which i have de/connotated.  This therefore has great significance to the viewers in order for them to recognise that the film they are watching is a New Line Cinema production. 

  • The blue colour around the film strip to represent the film strip as magnificent, fresh and new. Contrasting the black background which could indicate that everything else is dark and boring compared to the midnight blue which represents e.g. superior film.

  • A film strip, of which a film or image used to be imprinted on. This indicates that they are associated or relevant to filming reflecting that they are a film based production company.

  • On the right hand side of the image there is a broken off/ disfigured part of the film strip which has been placed over the corner of the strip. This accentuates the possibility of the films being twisted or different compared to other films highlighting unique and different films. 

  • In the centre of the logo the text is the name of the production company. The bright white colour contrasts the darker colours in the logo, and larger font making it stand out and un missable on the screen so that viewers see and recognise the company's logo.  

  • The sub heading below the company name gives recognition to the superior company that they have merged with. The white writing makes us notice this so that again we recognise this.

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