Friday, 21 December 2012

Editing Process- FINISHED.

This was the last day that we had to finish editing our film before we broke up for our Christmas break. This meant that we would not have access to the Mac's or any other software which meant that it was vital we finished the final media product.

Today we used our time to fix up the following before distributing our final media product

  • Any splits that need to be joined
  • Change some of the title credits that we were unhappy about 
  • Ensure that the music fitted and matched the clips 
  • Ensure all transitions/filters were how we wanted to 
  • Render all of the final product.
In today's lesson we wanted to finish our media film as we felt that this was capable as we had spent a lot of time on working on this. We watched the final product over and over again to ensure that there was not gaps that needed filling and joined shots that were not connected. After watching the clip so many times, me and my partner was unhappy about some of the credits in the blackout so we decided to change them in order to make them look better. We felt that some of the audio was out of place so we spend some time trying to accurately make the music fade in and out in the correct place.

Once all we had done all of this we had used up our final lesson time so we had to stay behind to export our final product to distribute to YouTube and gain feedback. I am very happy with what we have produced despite the apparent flaws in the video. I believe me and my partner have created something that we never thought we would finish and Its great to see something that we planned so earlier on into the school year finally created into a visual piece of media.
I am proud to present- 'Round The Bend'.

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